Electrical tests on CPE devices

Picture of Andrés Villalobos Elola
Andrés Villalobos Elola

Gerente de Proyectos en MBservices

Andrés Villalobos es el Gerente General de MBservices, especializada en biometría facial y voz, control de acceso y verificación de identidad. Representa a Veridas, líder en verificación de identidad. Con amplia experiencia en certificaciones Subtel y homologaciones, Andrés asegura la conformidad regulatoria y la calidad de las tecnologías. Su enfoque estratégico en outsourcing de ingenieros y su liderazgo visionario han sido clave para el éxito de MBservices en ofrecer soluciones tecnológicas avanzadas y seguras.

Aspectos que Veremos

Electrical tests on CPE devices

Since Supreme Decree 298-2005 was published, the SEC has required the Mandatory Certification of products such as: Cell Phone Chargers (Protocol PE_8-8 12.26.2016), Printers (PE_8-7), Set Top Box (PE_8-2 16.11 .2016), Luminaires (PE_5-XX), among others. Starting September 2021, the Computer Power Sources (PE_8-9 20.11.2019) and possibly the Tablet Chargers (to be confirmed) will be added to this Certification. However, it is also possible to perform some voluntary tests on other kind devices to ensure the electrical safety of the end user.

Since 2013, some big companies in the Telecommunications sector have requested that their CPE devices (Router, Access Point, and others) undergo voluntary electrical tests to grant their electrical safety. Within these tests, it is possible to validate that the devices comply with quality standards, such as: mechanical resistance, danger of electric shock, insulation, fire resistance, among others.

MBservices has been fulfilling the multiple certification needs for more than 15 years and this year we have served more than 200 companies, who require Mandatory Certifications or particular services, such as voluntary electrical tests, allowing our clients to incorporate in their fleet and services, devices guaranteed in minimum levels of electrical safety for their customers.

If you are interested in receiving more information or in requesting personalized attention to analyze the services you require, we invite you to trust our services. We will be attentive to respond quickly, adjusting to your needs, whether for Chile and other countries in the region.

Contact us: laboratorio@mbservices.cl

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