Products Approval in Colombia, Uruguay, Ecuador and Perú

Complementing the information on the services available to our clients in Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, and Uruguay, we want to share information that will guide or familiarize them in their future certification processes.

In all these countries, product certification processes are mandatory and must be carried out before marketing. Attached is information on equipment that must be homologated or certified by country, as appropriate.

Applies to all devices that have an IMEI or that identifier that fulfills an equivalent function to it, and through which access to mobile telecommunications networks for the provision of voice and/or data communications services is provided.
Applies to any radio equipment, i.e., all equipment that uses the radio communications spectrum. The homologation must be done only if the equipment is not already homologated or in process, for which a list of registered equipment must be reviewed.

Applies to telecommunications terminal equipment that uses radioelectric spectrum and connects to public telecommunications networks. Some of these include terminals for the Advanced Mobile Service (AMS), Carrier Service, Internet Access, Fixed Telephone Service, Satellite Services, etc.


Applies to any telecommunications equipment and/or apparatus that is connected to a public telecommunications network and/or used to generate radio emissions, and that does not meet any of the Exclusion Standards (If any of the Exclusion Standards are met, a waiver letter may be requested).

Through our service, your products will comply with the regulations and avoid the application of sanctions for non-compliance.

For more information, please contact your Executive or enter your details below.

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