Subtel Approval Regulatory Update

Picture of Andrés Villalobos Elola
Andrés Villalobos Elola

Gerente de Proyectos en MBservices

Andrés Villalobos es el Gerente General de MBservices, especializada en biometría facial y voz, control de acceso y verificación de identidad. Representa a Veridas, líder en verificación de identidad. Con amplia experiencia en certificaciones Subtel y homologaciones, Andrés asegura la conformidad regulatoria y la calidad de las tecnologías. Su enfoque estratégico en outsourcing de ingenieros y su liderazgo visionario han sido clave para el éxito de MBservices en ofrecer soluciones tecnológicas avanzadas y seguras.

Aspectos que Veremos

SUBTEL Approval Update regulations

In Chile, the sale of products that operate within the permitted frequencies or that have power emissions within limits in the Resolution 1985 regulation is authorized.

On October 22, 2020, some modifications to the regulations come into force (, considering that:

 a) It is necessary to incorporate the new frequency bands used by the family of wireless network protocols marketed under the name Wi-Fi 6 into the technical standard for equipment with reduced scope, so that users, importers and sellers have clarity regarding frequency ranges and power levels in which low-power devices are allowed to operate for use inside buildings;

 b) Regulations must be incorporated to enter the market of devices that operate in the band 5,150-5,250 MHz, with higher powers and intended for use inside buildings;

The updates to the regulations are detailed below:

  • They may operate in the frequency band 5,150 to 5,250 MHz, with a maximum radiated power of 1 W and a maximum radiated power density that does not exceed 17 mW / MHz.
  • Access equipment, also referred to as AP, low power, operating in the frequency band 5.925 to 7.125 MHz, must be for exclusive use indoors and meet the following transmission power requirements:                                                                                               30 dBm maximum EIRP.                                                                                                             Maximum spectral density of 5 dBm / MHz.
  • Low-power AP equipment may only have integrated antennas, not be removable or replaceable, nor may they have connectors that allow the connection of additional external antennas. Likewise, they cannot operate with internal batteries or have spaces for their installation.
  • User terminal devices that are associated with low power AP equipment must operate at the following power levels:                                                                                               Maximum EIRP of 24 dBm.                                                                                                   Maximum spectral density of -1 dBm / MHz.

If you have more specific questions or queries about any certification process, we invite you to direct them to LABORATORIO@MBSERVICES.CL. We will be attentive to answer your requirements

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